High Pressure Cleaning Pumps

High Pressure Cleaning Pumps

High Performance Pumps and Accessories for High Pressure Cleaning Applications

high pressure cleaning pumpHigh pressure water jetting is one of the most effective methods of removing dirt and deposits from surfaces. Cold or hot water, detergents, solvents and reagents can be sprayed at high velocities with a Cat Pump, using the impact energy at the surface to dislodge and then rinse away liquids and solids.

Small pump units can be installed in vehicles and trailer-mounted for street cleaning, washing down mobile plant and equipment, concrete surface cleaning and grease and sludge removal. Alternatively they can be used in permanent installations feeding into one or more fixed or rotating spray nozzles or hand-held lances. Where larger flow rates are required at high pressures, multiple pumps are often installed as these can minimise energy consumption and provide flexibility and redundancy to accommodate changes in demand and maintenance programmes.

Case Study - High pressure plunger pumps cleaning up at malting plant

Read about Cat Pumps Wash-Saver, our energy-saving concept for centralised cleaning, hygiene and sanitation


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